6th Grade

3-Part Response:

1. Restate the question.

2. Answer the question in your own words.

3. Cite textual evidence.

(Author, Year, Page #).


Text-Based Evidence Stems:

These are helpful to transition into your citations! Change them up in your writing to make it more interesting to read.

The text states,

According to the text,

On page ____  the author stated,

Based on what I read,


Furthermore the text states,


Vocabulary Strategies:

- Use context clues:

Look at the words before and after the unknown word: REREAD!


- What part of speech is the word?

Is it describing or doing?

noun, verb, adjective, adverb...


- Are there prefixes or suffixes?

Prefixes and suffixes may alter the meaning of the base word.


understand, misunderstand

like, dislike

helpless, helpful


- Predict the meaning of the word:

Try to guess the meaning of the word using the above strategies.


- Plug it in:

Replace the word with your predicted meaning. Does it make sense?



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